Call for Early Careers - RDA 15th Plenary
04 November 2019 - 14:30 to 03 February 2020 - 17:00
RDA Europe is offering up to seven grants of maximum €2400 to Early Career European Researchers & Scientists working with data to attend the 15th RDA Plenary meeting, to be held in Melbourne, Australia, 18 - 20 March 2020
The RDA Europe Early Career programme is now an established platform for early career researchers to share ideas, experiences and practical advice, while learning what leading data scientists and practitioners are currently working on. This programme has offered grant winners the opportunity to engage directly with and support the work of RDA Working and Interest Groups, to learn and contribute, and become a part of the RDA global data sharing community.
RDA Europe aims for balanced distribution of grants across all European regions and strongly encourages applicants from EU13 countries in this final call for Early Careers and Experts available under the RDA Europe 4.0 project. EU13 countries are: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Interested candidates are invited to fill in the application form, linked below, in order to apply for the programme. Please review the details below before you apply. The successful applicants will be offered financial support to participate in the 15th RDA Plenary and will be:
- Required to display a poster summarising their studies and areas of interest during the plenary meeting;
- Assigned to a working or interest group and expected to attend group meetings;
- Asked to take notes and provide a summary of the group’s meeting for internal use by the group members;
- Required to write a publishable summary about the 15th RDA Plenary meeting to be posted as a blog / news piece on the RDA website, referencing the applicant as the author directly.
The applicants should satisfy the following criteria:
- Currently engaged in Bachelor, Masters, PhD or Postdoc studies - note that applicants must be enrolled in a higher education study course or within maximum 5 years after completing a PhD in the case of Postdoc studies;
- Study is conducted in a higher education or research institution based in one of the EU Member states or Associated countries (for reference please consult;
- Studies are of relevance to RDA Recommendations or Outputs and cover at least one of the Working or Interest Groups.
Further criteria and conditions:
- Previous Early Career programme winners should not re-apply.
- It is not possible to apply for both the Early Career support programme and the Expert support programme in the same round.
- RDA Ambassadors are not eligible for the Early Career support programme.
- Members of RDA governance bodies (TAB, OAB, Council & Secretariat) are not eligible for the Early Career support programme.
- People working on the RDA Europe 4.0 project (i.e. funded as a core partner, as a node or seconded personnel) are not eligible for the Early Careers grants.
Applications will be evaluated by a group of external expert evaluators, according to the following criteria:
- Area of interest, relevance of their work to RDA activities and foreseen benefits (criterion weight 60%);
- Proficiency in English (good knowledge of English will be required to generate content) (criterion weight 20%);
- Understanding of the European Data Infrastructures landscape, including initiatives such as the European Open Science Cloud; the FAIR data movement; knowledge of the Open Science agenda, and how these intend to evolve in Europe (criterion weight 20%);
- Evaluation will also consider the following criteria to establish balanced and diverse participation and distribution of grants:
- Geographical balance
- Gender balance
- Preference given to candidates who have not already previously received RDA funding
- Preference given to candidates in underrepresented fields within RDA
RDA Europe aims for balanced distribution of grants across all European regions and strongly encourages applicants from EU13 countries in this final call for Early Careers available under the RDA Europe 4.0 project. EU13 countries are: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The Early Career support programme will offer up to seven grants of maximum €2400 to support participation at this Plenary Meeting.
What costs can be reimbursed?
For reimbursement of ECR grants, the University of Göttingen cost accounting practices apply. The following costs are eligible:
- Flights, trains and public transport to and from the conference venue (Economy fares only)
- Maximum five nights accommodation in Melbourne
- Hotel costs are reimbursed up to €158 per night (excluding breakfast)
- Conference fee (Early Bird rate)
- Costs for Licensed Taxis are eligible only if public transport is not available
- No daily allowance
Maximum total costs reimbursed will be €2400.
How will costs be reimbursed?
Costs will be reimbursed after successful participation in the activity. Successful applicants will need to complete the form for ‘Travel expense reimbursement of invited/dispatched staff members’ from the University of Göttingen, and attach original receipts. This must be submitted to the University of Göttingen within 30 days after travel.
Katharina Mueller
Interested candidates are invited to complete the online application form by 3 February 2020, 17:00 CET. We aim to notify all candidates of the outcome of their application on the 21st of February 2020.
Please use the form linked below to submit your application. If you cannot see the form, please login / register.
Important dates
Launch Calls - 5 November 2019
Call closes - 3 February 2020
Notification of results - 21 February 2020
Latest update 5 November 2019